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    BIGG.AZ - Listen and download Azerbaijani songs for free

There are many song sites in our country that promise to be free, but most of them allow you to download songs from YouTube through Mp3 conversion.
This leads to link breakage and additional time loss. Please note that YouTube is not a song site, but a video site. If we extract the sound of the video and open it, we will see that it is not in Mp3 format, but in .webm format.

In addition, since it is a YouTube video site, there is a high probability that the song will contain commercial sounds.

Even when you start singing on many song sites, the site advertises the audio format, it is very difficult to say that this is a desirable thing.

    What are the advantages of our site?

1. None of the music files are imported from any other secondary site. All files are located in the site's own database (Local).
2. Songs are equipped with the latest version ID3v4 meta tags.
3. There are no extra sounds, interruptions (commercial sound) in any sound file.
4. In order to preserve the originality of the song, an album cover is added to the song file.
5. 80% of the music on the site has lyrics.
6. You can independently comment on any song or singer.
7. Audio files are compressed using GZIP and BROTLi methods without loss of sound quality. So don't worry about the song size.
8. You can download any song you want (not available on the site) to the site.
9. You can communicate and chat with users as a member of the site.
10. You can register on the site with one click (with your Google Account).

    Main terms and conditions of our site

1. The site takes some security measures, the first of which is the handling of Song files by unknown third parties and putting additional force on the site's traffic. For this reason, you can benefit more conveniently by registering with your Google Account. Although listening and sharing songs does not require registration, you must register to download the song file. It is completely free and unconditional.
  • Adding a song to the site's base means that you can only upload a non-existent song to the site. That audio file is on the site, but that song is deleted without warning.